Technology allows us to flourish
Whether at work or at play technology allows us to flourish in a connected, content-rich environment.
In work mode, we can download information, process it and write reports and even indulge in real-time conversations through instant messaging.
Information and communication technology can help boost improved customer service, faster response times and customisation of products. In short, ICT overcomes the constraints of both time and space. But beware the ICT productivity paradox.

A presumed strength of personal computers is that computer-enabled multitasking increases the efficiency of office workers. But human beings are not computers and cannot multitask in the same way.
The head of PEP Productivity Solutions, Bary Sherman has been quoted saying: “I used to say that multitasking made a task take 15 percent longer. Now I say 50 percent.”

This is because human multitasking involves one task being interrupted by another. And it’s not the time taken by the interruption itself that causes productivity to plummet but the recovery time – that is, the time it takes to get back to where you were before in terms of being focused on the task in hand. This recovery time can be a startling 10 to 20 times the length of the initial interruption.

True productivity arises from the interaction of people and machines, not just the availability of machines; computers do not exist in isolation from other systems. The ways in which ICT can boost productivity is a massive topic, but here we will look at just three areas: video conferencing, the much talked about ‘cloud’ and customer relationship management.

Despite its popularity email is a lousy communication tool when it comes to conversing, taking up to ten times longer than by telephone. So picking up the phone is one simple way to boost productivity. But even better is to use video conferencing.

Ricoh chief information officer Rob Livingstone works in conjunction with Telstra and Polycom to introduce an end-to-end high-definition video conferencing solution that it expects to increase both employee and enterprise productivity.

“As a service-based company, responsiveness is our lifeblood, enabling us to remain competitive,” Livingstone says in a statement. “High definition video conferencing is already reinventing the way our staff can communicate with each other and with our customers. There is greater workplace efficiency and less environmental impact thanks to a reduced need for employee travel time,” he says.

The technologies that give the biggest boost to productivity are those that are collaborative in nature, such as groupware and email. And these collaborative technologies help facilitate one of the most effective business process improvements – breaking down the walls between vertical business areas, the dreaded ‘silos’ and ‘stovepipes’. This is where the structure of the organisation largely or entirely restricts information flow.

In the past productivity software was stored on employees’ PCs and, if a document was to be worked on by others it was shuttled across the organisation by email and revisions and changes tracked. But now, with the advent of ‘cloud computing’ (whereby software programs and data are stored on the internet, not on a company’s servers), the democratic structure of the internet, and the fact that it is both virtual and real time, can be harnessed.

In a cloud environment employees can work on the same document at the same time, the progress that other teams members are making can be seen, and duplication avoided.

The key to great customer service is to give customers what they want, when they want it and at a price they perceive as being fair. And if you can give them something they didn’t even know they wanted, faster than they expected and offering even better value, you’ll be streets ahead of the competition.

CRM covers sales, marketing, customer service and technical support and, at its best, is a company-wide process in which every department is sales-oriented. Failure to do this can further entrench a silo mentality rather than breaking it down so a collaborative CRM should be implemented that builds bridges between departments.

Good though CRM is there has been an unacceptably high rate of companies investing heavily in systems that are not used to their full extent. Care must be taken that a system is easy to use, that it offers benefits not just to the company but the employees using it, and that sufficient training is given.

Dean Parham, until recently an assistant commissioner at the Productivity Commission, has been quoted in the Australian Financial Review saying “It’s not just having the ICT that’s important, it’s how you use [technologies] to create new products or reorganise your business.

It’s doing new things or doing things in new ways.”

•    Computers can multitask, people can’t. Human multitasking can make a job take 50 percent longer
•    Cloud computing harnesses the democratic nature of the internet to break down business silos
•    Customer relationship management can harness the power of the entire organisation to deliver excellent customer service